Heard a Very Good singer yesterday. Her rendition was good, she had a good range of songs, she was well trained in Classical which made her sing difficult songs well.
She had a good smile and was great looking.....
After some time I felt she was smiling too much. She was taking names of people and acknowledging their presence. It all seemed so artificial after some time.
Does that really work.... I guess it does... everybody is doing it...
Does talent give you work or Pleasing... or Both ??
Well.... I believe in the former... The later will not take you far...
I think we need a bit of both. But the pre-requisite is that the performer must have talent to begin with. A Pleasing personality, a charming smile and the ability to interact with the audience genuinely are attributes which will win the hearts of the audience. The pleasing part must not be overdone as it will come across as not being genuine and that will the turn the audiences away from the performer. Any good performer always wants to capture the audience and keep it there till the end of his/her act/ performance. Hence both are equally important for a spot-on performance.