Thursday, 30 June 2011

Met Him 5 Yrs Back

I was a student then. Was coming back from Pune In Deccan Express. I was very happy as for the first 

time in my student days I was coming in an AC chair Car. Suddenly there was a silence. Two constables 

entered, followed by a very "Top Boss" looking person. Very well dressed and Black shoes with a robust 

impressive personality. Yes.. He was a senior IPS officer. We started talking. He shared with me the books 

he was reading, and also gave me a few tips about Life. He said its Enthusiasm which is most important to be 

happy and Successful in life !! I sang for him couple of Old Rafi and Talat Songs. We shared our Email 

addresses and cards ( I dint have one then !! ) 

       The Saheb was escorted by Policemen at the VT station.I took his blessings and we decided to be in 

touch. It happened for some time, but then as always, lost to Follow up. 

      Few years later, another IPS senior officer mentioned my name to this gentleman while they were listening 

to good music. And the Connection started again !! 

    I went to meet Add Director General Prisons Prakash Pawar Saheb, at his Pune Office.We shared the 

Deccan Express Incident again... I was so happy to meet the "Humble" big Boss !!  He came to know 

about my Music Clinic activities for Police and Jail Inmates. . So happy was he that he asked me to conduct 

few more programs for the Police and Inmates.And the Letter was drafted in 10 mins. What an atmosphere in

his office. Many people with Great ideas had come, and Pawar Saheb was taking decisions so swiftly !! 

   Friends, we never know when opportunity comes.... Always be ready to grab opportunities...

Do your good work with sincerity. You may not get success initially. But you will get people who will 

value your work.... Just keep on working and Your Day will come.......   soon....

Friday, 17 June 2011

No body Really Helps....

I Used to take great pride in Saying I know "Him" !!! 

But does that "HIM" really do anything for you. 

and I realised  that,  I am doing more for  "HIM" rather than he doing for me !! 

Very few people really back you. 

But Dont stop Influencing Big people.... at the same time never lose your Self-Respect.

Things will happen if they have to.... But put a good price on yourself as well !!

You are Not cheap....  Big people like free stuff !! 

Dont be free....  Put a good price on Yourself !!

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Why are you Late...

Why are people late. 

Excuses are never satisfactory.

Its a state of mind. 

Big people are never late. They are before time. 

I feel keeping time commitment is a biggest character commitment.

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Thinking of God.....

    I was in train the other day. Saw a person writing gods name on a book. He was to complete 10 pages today....

    Is this the way to please God...

    Does God really like these things ?? 

    Will This really help...

    Are there better ways to please God...

             I Got my answer, and realized the ignorance of this person.... and the time he was wasting, which could have been channelized in much Better ways.